Coaching With Karun

Experience the Involvement

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Customer focus is the most deep-seated quality management principles. Existence of a customer means existence of an organization.   

We all realize that basic purpose of an organization is to delight customer by consistently meeting its needs and exceeding its expectations. Thus a customer creates customers and creates profits.

Only when a customer is identified, we can direct our intent, energy and emotions for meeting needs & expectation of customer.

Every business has a customer. Every transaction has a receiver. Every task has an output, every service has a client. At a lesser in-house scale our employees are our customers. The customer of a company is the paying client. Hence whatever we do affects all our clients, whether employees or the client itself.

We all must provide better service to all who come to us for anything. Every customer whether paying or not must be recognized for every transaction or service.

Mahatma Gandhi believed- A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.

Enhanced Engagement With Customers Enhances Clarity About What We Should Be Doing.






The word “Manage” is no more liked nowadays. People all of a sudden have started deducing negative things with managing, such as “controlling, oppressing people, hiding facts etc.”

New ISO standards too have strong built-in requirement of leadership and encourage people to develop love for leading.

Leading democracies in the World are accepting a leader who creates a vision and then gets people passionate about to carry it out. Indian PM, Mr. Modi is one such example.

Leadership Quotient of your organization can be raised on following guidelines:

  1. Leadership is no more a monopoly. Redefine Leader as “A Person who contributes a meaningful new idea and gets people to carry it out is a Leader.” 
  2. Create environment to promote expressing of ideas and articulate a vision from all sections.
  3. Respect New Meaningful Ideas as the lifeblood of enterprise.
  4. Recognize people as Leaders who possess qualities e.g. immense energy, competitive spirit, ability to spark others and achieve results.
  5. Let leaders know that it is their job to see the big picture.
  6. Create environment of great people around leaders and trust them.
  7. Business is all about getting the best ideas from everyone, so involve everyone. Quietest person on your team might be sitting on the best idea.

Let there be leaders at every level and every function who can energize, enthuse and instigate rather than weaken, discourage, and manage.

It is the high time to recognize that “It is all about Leadership not Management.”





Many of us would agree that we often surrender to eat emotionally to fill ourselves. Food consumed to meet   emotional urge has nothing to do with actual physical needs and harms our healthy well-being.

It is vital that one learns about right eating habits that later become fundamental for good health.

An emotional eating opportunity starts from early childhood when immense love of parents forces us so much that there is hardly a scope for us to have our own say. The practice starts because of ignorance of parents and children about right eating habits but continues for longer time for many of us unless we are forced.

Culture of Food is Symbol of Love in family:

Our Asian back ground of parenting is not always regular expression of love through words. Love expressed usually is via actions, symbol and mediums.

Verbal communication as language of love in Asian families continues to become exceptionally rare due to rapid cultural changes, generation barriers etc. This is also partly because verbal communication is not accepted as language of love. Food habitually is measured as “the strongest medium by which love is conveyed / communicated”.

Parents make sure that their children are well-fed and eating is considered a joy above all else. Family elders not only dwell & sell on quality/variety of food but also negotiate for extra pieces in spite of full signal.

A popular and well-liked saying for all (wives) is that “the way to a man’s heart is via their stomach”.

It is also seen that financial challenges rarely come in way of spending on food. Parents love to buy / prepare / cook food to demonstrate fulfilling of their responsibilities. It adds to belief “more food eaten, the better it is”.

Reasons for expansion of this culture could be many such as:

  1. Scarcity of food during growing up of parents,
  2. Environment where love finds expression only through food and,
  3. Demonstration as measure of sacrifice etc.
  4. Food prepared is much more than needed bringing ethical pressure not to waste the food. 
  5. Events culturally force to eat symbolic foods such as sweets, cake etc.

These reasons are further popularised through other mediums such as films and endorse situations of inadequate food to feed all in family. Parents often would sleep without enough food.

Following could be considered to replace Emotional Eating:

  • “Family events” need not be necessarily / culturally “food events”.
  • Moving away from civilization that says “To be fed is a joy and to be overfed a luxury”.
  • Modifying customary communication placed around food e.g.: “Have you eaten? / What did you eat? / Shall I cook or buy something for you to eat? / What do you feel like eating? / Since you have eaten this thing shall I cook some other food for you?”
  • Not to interpret “No” to offer of food as “rejection” of love.
  • Stop emotional blackmailing for eating. Consider this to be an immense emotional desire of host to feed which may be wrong too.  
  • Build environment for healthier food that is eaten together in emotionally stable condition, happily and with gratitude.
  • Popularise Availability & Awareness of healthy food as culture. Encourage more healthy food choices through innovation and creativity.
  • Build imaginary controls / habits to eat healthy food at right time of day.
  • Consume healthier food on priority so that there is lesser space for consuming unhealthy foods out of temptation (emotional eating).
  • Government must enforce rules on advertisers creating emotional pull for food and must detail pros and cons of advertised foods such as food conceivable from chocolate, biscuits, cookies, cakes & pastries.
  • Disconnect with habit of stocking up.
  • Empower by educating children in schools for healthy food habits & discard obsolete deformed beliefs about food in society.

Research indicates that major reason for majority of diseases is erratic food habits. Failure to destroy twisted, erroneous beliefs for food leads to large amount of pain and suffering in our early adulthood.

It is high time to establish new relationship with physical need based food and take responsibility of our emotional eating habits individually and collectively.

Everyone is different, have different reasons, needs and solutions. It would be highly beneficial if you research for adopting appropriate food habits.  

Exploring solutions to your emotional eating urges and its specific solutions would help you to become a “Healthy You”.

Learn New ISO Standard to Construct Your Own Performance Structure

Recently published 2015 versions of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are truly the most effective performance focused standards.

Globally and Individually these management system standards (MSSs) have become decisively relevant with today’s connected world.

New MSSs provide an exciting prospect to refocus management systems on specific business operations and offer excellent integration opportunities of several standards.

Some of the central positives that I thought would effectually simulate individual performance enhancement plans are listed as below:

  1. It follows the philosophy “output matters”, vital for personal performance enhancement.
  2. It focuses on “has to be achieved” rather than “just to achieve”.
  3. It questions individuals / organizations if processes adopted by them are achieving the planned results.
  4. It demands an answer if the designed management system is actually delivering on its promise of “providing confidence in the ability to consistently provide conforming products and services”.
  5. It combines the even now successful “process approach” with “risk-based thinking” to facilitate prioritization of processes.
  6. The new risk-based focus is intentional to prevent undesirable outcomes such as non-conforming products and services.
  7. It employs the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle at all levels in the organization to manage the processes and the system as a whole, for driving the improvement.
  8. It accommodates each organization / individual to think about its own specific circumstances thus providing a greater flexibility for implementation of the standard.
  9. The new high-level structure is going to make many lives easier by addressing the requirements of several standards in a single management system.

I am excited to experience similar “look, touch and feel” of all standards and management system standards (MSSs) based on multiple standards.

Life for me as a trainer and management system expert has become easier and journey enjoyable.

I am enjoying the benefits and challenges of New Standards not only in design and / implementation of management systems but also in One-to-One Performance Coaching.

Thank you my dear friend Nigel Croft, Chair of subcommittee ISO/TC 176/SC 2 for such an outstanding job. I must say that:





Feeling Good is vital for success and must be practiced deliberately.

We all crave to do well and succeed continuously but nosedive to line up the Feel Good in our day-to-day routines.

I decided to make Feel Good as key objective of my life and turned into becoming selfish enough in my craving to Feel Good.

Trust me-Success since then is coming to me naturally and regularly.

I used my knowledge of ISO management standard structure and applied P-D-C-A strategy to achieve my goal of Feeling Good initially in pieces and later as full-fledged goal (Feeling Good Always).

P-D-C-A strategy adopted by me is detailed below as approach:

Plan- Initially established a 2 hour goal to Feel Good, Identified & established access to the resources / conditions that make me Feel Good, Identified & isolated potential addictions (e.g. TV Viewing etc.) 

Do-Used means to Feel Good and optimised its dosages. Made sure that focus on leading Personal / Professional / Spiritual / Social goal is not lost in chasing Feel Good Goal.

Check- Monitored the objective performance of Feel Good goal together with other key personal / professional goals. Audited to identify that Feel Good Goal has not actually or has potential to stumble to become the only objective.

Act- Reviewed execution performance monitoring of goals periodically and took actions to improve further performance.

We as First in Command of Our Life are responsible for enhancing its success continually. I invite you to join Feel Good Initiative and Do Good to yourself. Drill & you will be amazed to notice results.  




Financial environment in the World is reasonably gloomy. Everyone in the business of knowledge & education sector has anticipated it right and is focussed to en-cash this golden opportunity to create his / her own financial situations healthier.

One can notice mushrooming rapidity of forums and associations positioning to serve this knowledge sector. The fact is that most of these forums are found crowded with sellers and very few buyers.

People are found running around for spiritual, motivating self-help seminars and books in order to find answer and relief. One may decide to attend some and find useful tips. These tips if absorbed can stabilise the rattling emotions and stimulate growth.

Panic is normal but if one chooses to be unruffled, he may discover that existing knowledge can be renovated to new wisdom to steady the ship.  

Frustrated with bombs on my financial goals, I replaced these with higher than physical goals.

Looking spiritually and pragmatically I detected enhanced performance improvement when I wrote my Goal as “To be Hopeful and Happy”.

To my revelation I became happier and started performing better.

Encouraged with new refined goals I decided to conduct further surgical procedure on the word HOPE so that its comprehensive elements start stirring Happiness in me naturally.   

“HOPE” individually and as system of elements made my internal World stimulating and meaningful. Life started becoming musically and happily orchestrated with positive expectations. My performance improved as I continue to absorb the NEW HOPE productively.

I invite you to improve your performance by absorbing and visualising “HOPE” as-




It was really stimulating to get out of a peculiar constipation of not watching movies and seeing PIKU 3 times in 3 days. PIKU is a movie that connects well with collective audience and environment.

I looked pragmatically and noticed the consequence of this stalling disease.  Constipation could be related to blocking of ideas, initiatives, information, spirituality, justice, finances, love and shit etc.

It is essential to apprehend loss of productivity due to constipation. I observed four major characters in a recent Bollywood release “PIKU” who suffered constipation in their own unique way.

Bhaskor (Amitabh Bachchan) had constipation of his own thoughts, values and likings. He made efforts to get better. He started improving as he started listening to suggestions of Rana Chaudhary, who strongly administered enema of new thoughts that had long-term special effects. 

Piku (Deepika Padukone) looked to be the most severely constipated and unyielding. Her personality was upshot of environment and family values. She was more chronic patient of constipation devising introverted & timid approach to solve her existing problems.

Rana Chaudhary (Irrfan) remained open and courageous to ideas and expression. He conduct himself like an adult and made everyone around him look childlike. He worked effectively on his personal strengths unselfishly and courageously. He validated a leader who was honest about his past and used his present energy and expertise efficiently.

Bodhan (Balendra Singh), the servant, survived as he gulped constipation to match expectations of his bosses. He managed safely even if ruling environment was at variance. Bodhan empowered himself with constipation of an idea “Boss is always Right”.

Surrendering that most of us find it comfortable to absorb environment or their stimulus on us, the positive change happens only when we are administered purge strongly.  

It is high time we identify potential emergency conditions of unconscious constipation of our thoughts, beliefs, and fears etc. that block our development.

Let us be accountable to our own productivity and be aware of constipated ideas on priority and choose to treat these strongly and enthusiastically.

I looked within me critically and comprehended PIKU as

“Productivity Increased Knowledge Upgraded.”





There are different understandings of productivity and each understanding carries with it different inferences.

One such understanding is GDP which is based on being productive for something or someone else. This view suggests that we are victims to larger forces that are compelling us to produce more.

This design leaves me feel like a dis-empowered tool. I thought if I am not actually “a tool” then why should I get creased that way?

Granting that we as collective people can never completely disregard systems or their stimulus on us, I looked at Buddha for guidance.

Buddha described Productivity as “How effective one can be by bringing things to his life”.

This appeared to me a self-generated but an empowering choice and forced me think what I am doing with my life as productivity is concerned.

It is known fact that we all have different levels of energy and expertise and limited time and resources. Circumstances force us to use these possessions for certain purposes and constantly make choices with regards to our given priority.

I looked within me at my own possession levels and my productivity. Once I discovered productivity in terms of my opportunity to live with greater wisdom, I instantly started creating powerful habits to support this wisdom.

I certainly found it to be enabling, empowering and revitalizing my wisdom. Benefits performed are enormous as….

  1. You start living with same energy level every moment supporting your wisdom and start examining your efforts between what you did and what you were planning.
  2. You start tapping/receiving energy from larger source even if you have limited time and resources. This helps stretch your willpower as you draw more energy and focus more towards "self-generation."


Buddha talks about this being natural energy and relying on this energy helps enormously in nurturing energy and productivity.  This evolved wisdom based on your own capabilities and available resources certainly make things happen.

I found this understanding of productivity as an exercise of stimulating “spot on” as this wisdom based on Buddha teachings was more consistent as it used ingredients that are given to me.

I keyed in specific effort and care and this helped me increase focus and energy resulting into enhanced productivity.

I appreciate that sometimes new things will come to life and new seeds will get planted that will bring out productivity a little later but miracles will happen. I am ready for natural consistency and miracles as I am seeing it happen often.

This is special tribute to Lord Buddha guiding us always as Spiritual Scientist.


Karun, the Performance Coach



First April as Fools Day must have created huge smiles and many would like to preserve it.

This may not hold long for many of us as Financial / Performance year has just ended and all of us shall be expecting a good feedback on our performance.

I decided to enter souls of all such feedback customers and share my experiences. Deep here in my mind is the feedback supplier titled Boss. It will be healthier if both parties are aligned to agree the two straightforward purpose of Feedback i.e.     

 1) To improve behaviour, and 2) to reinforce good work done.

I discovered that my associates as feedback customers would be stimulated to enhance performance as an individual and us as organisation if following needs of feedback are met. Feedback must be:

1. Future Focused

2. Provided Regularly and Timely i.e. for Every Project I Handled

3. Unambiguous

4. Specific

5. Able to Build Mutual Trust

6. Able to encourage me for Self-Evaluation

7. Containing Clear Expectations from Me

8. Motivation for Me to Take Action

9. Personal

10. Able to lead me towards Improvement

11. Able to Illustrate Clearly How I Can Gain from It

12. Able to Illustrate Clearly How Organisation Can Gain from It

13. Able to Motivate Me for Taking New Responsibility

14. Able To Lead Me To Greater Optimism

Does it sound similar to those SEVEN HINDU MARRIAGE COMMITMENTS that have to be agreed before priest declares two as husband and wife? Yes!


I know that you as Boss would agree to prepare DOUBLE HARD on the occasion of FEEDBACK DAY respecting our professional relationship and honouring above mentioned FOURTEEN COMMITMENTS. You know I am going to be an extremely valuable colleague for you and Organisation.

Let me echo again:





Karun, the Performance Coach

SIP to Succeed


You will be pleasantly stunned to poster the use of this word for SUCCESS. SIP truly gives the impression it to be a simple and smooth activity and medicine world uses it for the children or the old people who find difficult to swallow or chew their food or medicines.

SIP is used purposefully by me since it has made my journey to success smooth and extremely satisfying.

Success in broad-spectrum is perceived to be the result of hard work, inflexible will power, exploitation of environmental support, perseverance etc.

Criterion for success is defined differently by different persons and varies according to external challenges. This costs to continuous daily stress for many of us.

Continuous daily stress besides fast becoming cause of many physical ailments is fittingly contributing towards failures in your journey to holistic success. 

To plan a success map, one identifies his “Purpose of Life” which leads to long-term, to short-term and then to daily tasks.

Success is structured to be attained on day-to-day basis like daily sip of water etc.

SIP suggested here is made of three important activities:

  1. S-SELECTION- Of the most important tasks
  2. I-ISOLATION-Of all other tasks
  3. P-PERFORM-Selected task using your best efforts

Each of three ingredients of SIP entails further and deeper application of SIP. This means SELECTION itself can be done performing SIP ingredients mentioned above. Similarly it can be applied to ISOLATION and PERFORM activities too.

SIP was instinctively born when I was looking for a simple and easy to remember word. It not only qualifies this requirement is also a familiar word used in daily lives.

Many have found huge value in using and applying the SIP for improving their time management and thus sipping success confidently and continuously.

I invite you to SIP TO SUCCEED and SMILE IN MIRROR.  


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SIP to Succeed


You will be pleasantly stunned to poster the use of this word for SUCCESS. SIP truly gives the impression it to be a simple and smooth activity and medicine world uses it for the children or the old people who find difficult to swallow or chew their food or medicines.

SIP is used purposefully by me since it has made my journey to success smooth and extremely satisfying.

Success in broad-spectrum is perceived to be the result of hard work, inflexible will power, exploitation of environmental support, perseverance etc.

Criterion for success is defined differently by different persons and varies according to external challenges. This costs to continuous daily stress for many of us.

Continuous daily stress besides fast becoming cause of many physical ailments is fittingly contributing towards failures in your journey to holistic success. 

To plan a success map, one identifies his “Purpose of Life” which leads to long-term, to short-term and then to daily tasks.

Success is structured to be attained on day-to-day basis like daily sip of water etc.

SIP suggested here is made of three important activities:

  1. S-SELECTION- Of the most important tasks
  2. I-ISOLATION-Of all other tasks
  3. P-PERFORM-Selected task using your best efforts

Each of three ingredients of SIP entails further and deeper application of SIP. This means SELECTION itself can be done performing SIP ingredients mentioned above. Similarly it can be applied to ISOLATION and PERFORM activities too.

SIP was instinctively born when I was looking for a simple and easy to remember word. It not only qualifies this requirement is also a familiar word used in daily lives.

Many have found huge value in using and applying the SIP for improving their time management and thus sipping success confidently and continuously.

I invite you to SIP TO SUCCEED and SMILE IN MIRROR.  


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